Silk Road Itinerary of Northwestern China

We travelled to the Silk Road to visit the historical sites for sure. In the XiAn City we can find loads of ancient sites left by the Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties, like Terracotta Army is one of the must-sees. I’ve picked the significant ones because of time, just refer to the details in this trip plan. And Mount Hua, HeXi Corridor, JiaYuGuan, DunHuang, the Mogao Caves are just some of the spots along the Road that you can never miss! It felt really like time travelling where I was in this journey.

D1: 香港 Hong Kong > 鄭州 ZhengZhou > 西安 Xian
D2: 西安古城牆 Xian Ancient City Wall > 陝西歷史博物館 ShaanXi History Museum > 大雁塔 Dayan Pagoda > 青龍寺 Qing-long Temple
Xi’an was named Chang’an in ancient China and the city was the starting point of the Silk Road. Now that people say you can rent a bike and cycle along the ancient wall for a round
D3: 華清池 HuaQing Palace > 秦始皇帝陵博物館 Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum > 西安鐘樓 Bell Tower of Xi’an > 西安鼓樓 Drum Tower of Xi’an > 德發長餃子館 DeFaChang Dumpling
The must-see "Terracotta Warriors" in Xi’an, magnificent
It’s better to view the outlook of the Bell Tower at night
D4: 華山景區 Huashan Mountain Scenic Area (Mount Hua)
One of the Five Great Mountains of China and a fan’s pilgrimage for Jin Yong novels
Chang Kong yes the cliff road with only wood board under your feet
D5: 漢陽陵博物館 Han Yang Ling Museum > 嘉峪關 JiaYuGuan
The Han Yang Mausoleum believed to be built from 153 BC, only some small stuff left
D6: 嘉峪關城市博物館 JiaYuGuan City Museum
D7: 紫軒葡萄莊園 Zixuan Wine Manor > 魏晉磚壁畫墓 Brick Mural Tombs of Wei & Jin Dynasties > 懸壁長城 Overhanging Great Wall > 萬里長城第一墩 The First Beacon Tower of Greatwall > 嘉峪關關城 JiaYuGuan Fort
West end of the Great Wall, feeling much more authentic than the Badaling section in Beijing
Jiayu Pass, The “First Pass Under Heaven”
D8: 敦煌古城 Duhuang Ancient City Ruins > 西千佛洞 Western Thousand Buddha Caves > 玉門關 Yumen Pass > 雅丹國家地質公園 Yardang National Geopark
The left-behind of Yumen Pass and it’s so dry here. Who still remember the famous poem "spring breeze doesn’t cross the gate of Yumen"?
A really vast geopark with endless sand and stones, let’s call it a desert and good place for a sun setting view
D9: 鳴沙山 Echoing-sand Mountain > 月牙泉 Crescent Spring > 莫高窟 Mogao Caves > 敦煌夜市 DunHuang Night Market
The sand at the Echoing-sand Mountain really echoes, and you may enjoy the desert entertainments here
Couldn’t see any night market since going west from Xi’an…finally got to a place where we could shop and eat
D10: 中山橋 Zhongshan Bridge > 馬有布牛肉麵 Mayoubu Halal Beef Noodles > 西安咸陽國際機場 Xi’an Xianyang International Airport
D11: 西安 Xian > 廣州 GuangZhou > 香港 Hong Kong

Detailed Trip Plan